
News and Updates

In August I attended and presented at the The Council of State Governments Eastern Regional Conference in Toronto, Canada. I participated in a panel discussion about PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances) and Rhode Island’s efforts to reduce PFAS in our watershed. PFAS chemicals do not break down in the environment or our bodies, hence the nickname “forever chemicals.” I have sponsored

The House of Representatives for the second year made housing the number one priority, approving more than a dozen pieces of legislation. Many of the bills are aimed at streamlining and removing roadblocks in permitting processes to expedite production. The package included: • Incentivizing developers to expand subsidized housing options for low-income households with Low Income Housing Tax Credits • Amending the Low and

Rhode Island is not the only state that has experienced growth in the short-term rental industry. Here on Aquidneck Island, we have seen the sudden expansion of the industry impacting neighborhoods and year-round housing. The RI House has appointed a Short-Term Rental Study Commission on which I will serve. The focus will be on policies that are fair, respect our neighborhoods

During the 2023 RI Legislative session, Rhode Island Energy submitted a bill that would create statewide tree trimming and vegetation management standards upon the approval of the RI Public Utilities Commission, which did not pass.  We all agree that we want our electric distribution lines to be maintained to reduce power outages, but the proposed legislation gave overreaching authority to the

https://www.youtube.com/embed/td1IUmnC-Ks By: Steve Ahlquist 1/20/2020 Uprise RI Nearly 400 people gathered on the south steps of the Rhode Island State House on Saturday in conjunction with protests taking place across the nation and in Washington DC to call for new leadership in Washington DC and for an end to the TrumpAdministration. The message in Rhode Island, delivered from 16 speakers including activists, elected officials and

Dear Neighbors: In the next few days you will be receiving my Legislative Wrap Up and Look Forward to 2020 Newsletter, "Talks with Terri". I am honored to have been elected to serve as your representative in the RI House of Representatives and am writing to you to share some of the goings-on in Providence this past legislative 2019 session and what is