
Author: Amullen

https://www.youtube.com/embed/td1IUmnC-Ks By: Steve Ahlquist 1/20/2020 Uprise RI Nearly 400 people gathered on the south steps of the Rhode Island State House on Saturday in conjunction with protests taking place across the nation and in Washington DC to call for new leadership in Washington DC and for an end to the TrumpAdministration. The message in Rhode Island, delivered from 16 speakers including activists, elected officials and candidates for office, was more about local politics than national, drawing stark comparisons between government as usual under the leadership of House Speaker

Dear Neighbors: In the next few days you will be receiving my Legislative Wrap Up and Look Forward to 2020 Newsletter, "Talks with Terri". I am honored to have been elected to serve as your representative in the RI House of Representatives and am writing to you to share some of the goings-on in Providence this past legislative 2019 session and what is coming up in the 2020 legislative session. I welcome your feedback. I also invite you to take my current survey on key issues

By June S. Speakman In virtually all the predictions of what will be hot in the 2020 General Assembly session, there has been little mention of environmental policy. It is imperative that we make progress in 2020 on several fronts including plastics pollution, sea level rise, renewable energy, sustaining a clean water supply and waste management. The foundation of Rhode Island’s economy —tourism, small business, boating, fisheries — depends on its policymakers looking beyond the current budget cycle and providing a reliable funding stream for these

By Daily News Staff 02/03/2020 Reps. Lauren H. Carson and Terri Cortvriend Monday announced the formation of the Aquidneck Island Climate Caucus, a community group to give voice to the importance of mitigating and adapting for the earth’s changing climate. A pair of Aquidneck Island legislators have formed a group focusing on climate change. Reps. Lauren H. Carson and Terri Cortvriend Monday announced the formation of the Aquidneck Island Climate Caucus, a community group to give voice to the importance of mitigating and adapting for the earth’s changing

Press conference Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH will provide updates to reporters about Rhode Island’s COVID-19 response Today, March 11th, at 12 p.m. in Conference Room 2A at the Department of Administration. Current Information Two additional cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been identified through testing at the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH)’s State Health Laboratories. These are Rhode Island’s fourth and fifth cases. These results are considered presumptive positive cases until they are confirmed by

Since taking office I have made myself available to the public with my monthly Talks with Terri, last month was the first month this didn’t happen. Like every other meeting these days I will be hosting an online Zoom Meeting on Thursday April 23rd @ 10–11 am We can talk about any issues you are experiencing related to COVID-19 or anything else that you want to discuss. Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91501177462?pwd=S01KTmhEZ2QyUVVKNFBtckV1V1FjZz09 Meeting ID: 915 0117 7462 Password: 013270

Conference Call Click here to listen to audio (Rep Cortvriend; listen at 29:26) 1. Lt. Governor McKee: Opening Remarks 2. LG introduces SBA Director Mark Hayward: Federal Update a. Federal Funding Data Overview for RI: i. 142 EIDL loans approved at approx. $22 million total ii. 2,740 EIDL advances awarded ranging from $1k-$10k at approx. 12 million b. PPP loans (listen around minute 7:00): i. IMPORTANT:​ Level of payroll needs to stay the same once you hire your employees back (i.e. if you includes tips on the application & only pay

Let's talk about COVID-19 issues and about re-opening Rhode Island. What does your State Rep do when we aren’t in session? Well today is Tuesday which means yesterday I made food deliveries. Heng Thai and Rotisserie in Providence has been donating meals to people in need, I have been driving to Providence and bringing meals back to local organizations. Last week Rep Deb Ruggiero and I organized deliveries of pizza for staff at local nursing homes, yesterday we brought food to people sheltering at Motel

Behavioral Health Resources Adults seeking mental or behavioral health support should call BH Link at 414-LINK (5465). For services for children, call 1-855-543-5465.People with moderate to severe opioid use disorder (OUD) can access telehealth service for initiation of buprenorphine treatment at 401-606-5456. Business Support Business Assistance from Rhode Island Commerce: for business economic support, constituents should visit www.commerceri.com [commerceri.com], call Commerce RI at 401-521-4357 (HELP), or email them at info@commerceri.com.Financial Support: Resources have been directed into the RI community through both federal and state programs. This includes

District 72 Representative, Terri Cortvriend has been ranked #1 House Rep 2020 #1 Ranked Overall House Representative 2020 Rankings do not measure every aspect and every category of bill the General Assembly votes on, but we feel strongly that the metrics we utilized paint a clear and accurate picture of the legislator's work towards enacting laws that benefit the public good and staying in tune with their constituents. Rep Cortvriend also received the #1 Ranked in the RI General Assembly (House and Senate) for having the most