Cortvriend will advocate for stronger education, environment
I urge voters to support Terri Cortvriend in the Primary election this September and the general election in November.
From 2012 to 2018 I had the privilege of serving with Terri on the Portsmouth School Committee. As our chair, Terri worked tirelessly on behalf of our students to ensure our district leadership was implementing a cohesive K-12 curriculum that challenged students at all levels. Especially in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.
As our General Assembly representative for the last 2 years, Terri has helped pass four major education bills that among other things requires the commissioner to set up statewide standards and identify high quality curriculum for those standards in the core subjects. The legislation also requires elementary teachers to be proficient in scientific reading instruction. For parents who are concerned about public education in Rhode Island, it is people like Terri Cortvriend that you will want in our General Assembly advocating for quality education at all levels.
Terri is also equally passionate about the environment. As the science clearly shows, our planet is under tremendous stress from the use of fossil fuels. Terri has advocated for having Rhode Island lead the way for decarbonization, whereby we incentivize people to migrate to renewable energy. Terri supports investment in renewable energy and will work to take legal steps to discourage offshore drilling off our coastline.
Additionally, Terri supports increasing the petroleum and import fees collected in our ports from 5 to 10 cents per barrel. This additional revenue will fund the Ocean State Adaptation and Resilience (OSCAR) Fund that will support Save the Bay efforts.
I hope voters will support Terri Cortvriend and help keep Rhode Island moving in the right direction!
John Wojichowski, Portsmouth